Written by Lisa Proffitt | 14th June 2022


6 reasons why living in the country is good for your health

With its peace, space, and beauty, the countryside offers a romantic lifestyle but there are health benefits too. Living in the countryside has been proven to improve our mental health, reduce stress and anxiety and generally make us feel happier.

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Here are six reasons why:

Country walks

As well as the health and fitness benefits of taking physical exercise, being outside in nature taking in calming views of green fields and trees releases the brain’s feel-good chemical serotonin, which is a clinically proven mood-lifter. Time spent listening to birdsong really is good for the soul.


Work/life balance

Many companies have retained flexible working practises post pandemic and most commuters don’t miss the stressful, exhausting and expensive slog of the daily commute. With good internet connectivity in most areas of the UK, country living no longer spells career suicide. Some rural areas even have faster and more reliable broadband than central London. If you no longer need to commute, or only need to be in town infrequently, consider looking further out than you first intended. Property prices will be lower.



The strong sense of community that exists in the countryside was another thing that many townies realised they were missing during the pandemic. As a general rule, life is more community- focused and community-based in a village where you usually know your neighbours and can call on them in a crisis.



Gardens are more important to us than ever before. Alongside the mental health benefits of gardening, it can also help to keep you fit and healthy. Just 30 minutes of gardening burns around the same number of calories as 30 minutes of playing badminton, volleyball or practising yoga. The RHS recently revealed that daily gardeners have wellbeing scores 6.6% higher and stress levels 4.2% lower than people who don’t garden at all.


Field to fork

Living in the countryside means you’re never far from a farmers’ market or farm shop. Whether you’re looking for meat and eggs or fruit and veg, the abundance of healthy and organic produce available in the countryside makes it easy to follow a healthy diet. Shopping locally means that your food has clocked up far fewer food miles than its supermarket equivalent and contains a much higher nutrient value. Homes in the countryside generally have larger gardens than their urban equivalents so if you live in the countryside you can probably find a spot in the garden for raised beds to grow your own.


Fresh air

Country air is generally cleaner than air in the city, partly because plant life and woodlands absorb poisonous carbon dioxide. Good air quality and less pollution means a lower incidence of allergies and conditions like asthma which can often improve with a move to the country.


If you’re thinking of a move to the country, whether you’re thinking of buying, renting or selling your home, our Michael Graham team would love to help. Get in touch via the website or to see our country homes for sale click the Property Search button now.

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